Friday, January 20, 2012

The first of many

I had my first shot of this cycle today. It was 10 units of Lupron. It was a very tiny needle, and my husband did an amazing job. As always I prepared the syringe and my stomach. I backed myself up against the counter like always(so I don't run away...LOL) and pinched my stomach fat. The rest was up to Kyle, and he didn't let me down, he did it fast and gently. Kaitlin was over today, and I couldn't help but laugh at the look of horror on her face while we did this, it was priceless. It started to itch so bad after, got all red and started to swell....ugh. I know a great girl who went through IVF a few years ago, and she assured me it was all normal. She recommended some Benadryl  cream, so I will invest in that tomorrow. I will take this med for 10 days, take a couple day break and start new meds, YAY(insert sarcasm...LOL)

1 comment:

  1. I start Lupron on Thursday after my baseline ultrasound this Wednesday. I organized all of my meds this weekend and it was a little overwhelming! I need to remind myself to just take it 1 day at a time. It's nice to see your hubby is helping out with the shots!
